we take the guess-work out of your estimate work


s-globeSMQSM Associates tackles your toughest challenges — cost and deadlines.

Since 1988, our state-of-the-art tools for software project measurement, estimation and control have served thousands of successful clients. QSM Associates brings confidence and accuracy to the complex process of estimating – freeing up managers to focus on what they do best: creating quality software.

Our one-of-a-kind database of more than 12,000 completed software projects, from a range of industries, is the foundation for estimates that are 90 percent accurate. Our industry-specific negotiation skills will put your project over the top.

QSM Associates’ SLIM Tools are derived from the pioneering research of Larry Putnam Sr., founder and chief scientist of Quantitative Software Management (QSM), and one of the most influential leaders in the field of software measurement and estimation. QSM Associates combines this metrics science with effective negotiation techniques drawn from the Program on Negotiation (PON), an inter-university consortium made up of Harvard University, Tufts University and MIT.

SLIM Tools

  • SLIM-Estimate helps you build reliable software project estimates within 90 percent accuracy — estimates your manager can believe in.
  • SLIM-Control offers “in-flight” analysis of pending projects, enabling managers to recalibrate for staffing, budgeting, bugs and time-to-completion.
  • SLIM-Metrics gives a thorough review of your project results by comparing your quality and productivity outcomes with results from within your industry.

QSM Associates work with Agile managers to bring the benefits of SLIM Tools into the Agile teamwork process. ×

QSM Associates provides consulting and executive coaching services for our clients, as well as SLIM Tools training.

Through the Cutter Consortium, an industry think-tank, we publish executive reports and research in the areas of Agile project management, business IT trends, outsource advisory, software measurement and benchmarking. Cutter includes more than 100 internationally recognized experts in the field of information technology.

See the QSMA timeline >



Why choose QSMA?

To tap our proprietary database of more than 12,000 completed software projects across major industries, against which your productivity baselines and benchmarks can be compared.

For an independent perspective free of inter- or intra-company politics and history. A neutral, authoritative voice outlines your project roadblocks and offers a range of options to go forward.

For access to industry experts at Cutter Consortium, Pillar Technology, Vantage Partners, Triad Consulting and others.

To enable rapid, agile gathering of data showing detailed and dynamic “what if” scenarios for high-pressure software and IT projects. Results are delivered in hours or days, rather than weeks, right at the desktop.