when SLIM and Agile get engaged, great things happen.


SLIM Tools and Agile are made for each other.

The results are in! In a critical industry study involving software programmers in Columbus, Ohio, Agile development practices were completed 31% faster than the industry average, with defect rates four times lower than the industry norm. Other industry study results bear out this solid data: Agile results in better productivity, quality and fewer defects — especially when best practices are applied to the job. 

Even better: as Agile practices grow, the results of Agile projects are increasingly reflected in the SLIM Tools QSM Database, the only such data bank showing trendlines from your peers working in Agile. The database has metrics from a growing number of industry-specific Agile projects, including results from the crucial collaborative study between QSM Associates and the Central Ohio Agile Association (COHAA). Combined with SLIM Tools, these industry metrics are the hard data you need to support your advocacy for Agile methods.

Tap into this data if:

  • You are a project manager seeking to bring Agile methods to your workplace, and you need the data to justify your plan — to your teams and to your superiors.
  • You are a team trainer who needs metrics to support your transition to the Agile work environment.
  • You are a software designer whose boss has said “show me the metrics” when you proposed an Agile solution.
  • You’re a financial manager looking for budget-related data to support Agile transitions and implementation.

SLIM Tools and hard numbers from the QSM Database bring you the industry-specific metrics you need to support your Agile transition and ongoing work. We have the data you need to launch your Agile project.

To facilitate your marriage of SLIM Tools in Agile work environments, we have developed a template specifically tailored for Agile release planning.×

QSMA is at the forefront of research into Agile methods, and QSMA Managing Partner Michael Mah has been speaking and writing on Agile topics since the start of this century.

Without metrics, you’re just a person with another opinion
— so get the Agile data!