The QSM 2006 SLIM User Conference
September 25, 2006
Well, its that time of year again; the leaves begin their journey to join their neighbors already on the ground and the QSMA team treks to McLean, Virginia to likewise join our colleagues and friends at the 2006 QSM Users Conference, being held on September 28th at the Tower Club.
This get together offers a stimulating, fast-paced opportunity to hear some real-world “nuts and bolts” of how the SLIM (Software Lifecycle Management) Suite of tools has improved the application development process at some of the most successful, innovative companies in the world. It’s flattering and gratifying to hear how the ideas I have discussed in this blog can help effect genuine change in organizations, and not just from a bottom line perspective. Communications improve, quality goes up, overtime/stress can be lowered and everybody wins! It also gives our users a chance to tell us what changes and/or improvements they would like to see in future releases of SLIM.
I’m going to be speaking about Agile Productivity Metrics and I can’t wait to hear advice and expert opinion from some really bright people on the positive influence the “right” tools and knowledge can have on world-class organizations; I’ll share some of what I pick up when I return!
For more info, please visit here